Sunday, September 6, 2009

Mental curruption

What is a mental corruption?
Human mind is the one of the most powerful organ may be on earth at this point of time (As we can't predict future) and it is a reflexive organ which is meant for the purpose of to learn new thing and grow by the learning so what is corruption according to one of the web definition on Google (capitalism marvel ) it is a decay or reduction in any matter or thing, so what could be metal corruption as it seems mental corruption is act that decline the jewel of humanity that is it brain
Some of the basic reason are intolerance, means being intolerant to the point specific like of religion, nation, cast, language blah blah blah. I don't understand why people are so intolerant toward specifically saying towards religion and/or nation which I think are one of the biggest culprits on this earth(as it not only creating problem for human kind but also the other species that co-exists with human kind) and on the face of humanity , I think if we sort our these two measles from we can actually solve lots of problem here. Giving some of my personal experiences,
Experience 1:
Occasion: Independence day in the country exists on the one of the biggest continents that is Asia or in any modern day movie theater in India ( I don't know about other countries as I haven't go outside my country) you are forced to pay respect to the so called nationalist things (may be song, sign, symbol related to the country ) , so called martyrs ( Most of us blindly follows martyrs and we don't ask the question of any parallel objective) but why we have to have follow or obey these people, is there really any difference between a difference between the human being from Asia or China , say if we put a Japaneses in country called United states for thirty year and give them total exposure from birth to American culture(language education etc), then who is he American or Chinese to difficult to say

Experience 2:
Occasion: On a sports day of one of the college
I was sitting on the wooden block on which the image of god is carved, most of the people are objecting and/or say feel offended that why I am sitting on it. It is a disrespect to them. So I have conversation with the girl say Jane she is from one of those who is objecting says that "you are doing some thing that make me feel offended" I said"But why you are feeling offended" As you are disrespecting my god. This seem odd to me as how can it be so disrespectful and if that wooden block is so respectful why it is there in open left unprotected against various corrupting element and the place where is should be there, somehow my argument is going with the Jane one of the guy name Ron(Who have some sort of attraction towards Jane) came to us say's that I request to get up from the block as it seem he may be powerful if I have a fist fight with him. So I decided to get up from the place.

In both the cases as I experience that there is some thing beyond religion and nation i.e. our hidden desires like in second experience Ron want to impress Jane that' why he is showing his physical superiority on me.

Why people are so intolerant that cause the mental corruption they don't ask question on the notion that we have from past. This may lead to instances like of rigid mentality and hence you can't grow and I think it is a crime towards the human kind......cont....

Monday, August 10, 2009

Silly Thinking: Possiblities

Hello Friends

Time Interval getting longer and longer between posts
Possibilities is possibly the most fascinating word, is every thing we do in life is a certainty or it is a just a more probable possibility which seems certain at distance. Is anything certain in the Universe say earth is the third planet form sun in the solar system which gives exact atmospheric environment for existence of any living creature, our existence on the earth and at the same time extinction of the big reptiles namely dinosaurs form the earth our evolution form the monkey like a creature to a sophisticated urbane what is it, Is it a certainty or a con0-incidence in which possibility plays a very great role how scenario will change if earth will be the not third but forth or second planet in the solar system of what if earth is just few kilometers ahead or behind from its present position we will be in a total different situation. That all the game of the possibility.

How to see possibility when we are planning for the future mos of us consider the most probable possibility but not the remote one, I think it is better to take all the possibility possible and than even the most remotes one, and then take the decision on the basis of the possibility which is most probable. There is a tool which is used for making any possibility in future plan is DE bono's DATT which will help any individual to give some thinking in a direction of possibility before jumping to any conclusion

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Silly Thinking: Brain the Ultimate machine

Hello Friends,
It being a while when I published my last post I think it is more than 20 day nevertheless...
Brain what a wonderful organ in the space rounding a sphere of 6 inches. it is the reason of what we are weak, strong, introvert or extrovert, dumb or genius.....
Nature made this organ with capability to work 24*7 until we die not only that it has a capacity to adapt in the new situation if it is properly trained. By default brain have so many activity to do to make us alive and healthy, it includes make pumping the blood though heart, clear the blood though kidney, inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide from our lungs. Uncountable number of default activity which results brain become hesitant to take any new work either it is a process of thinking or Jogging yourself to another mile. A mechanism in which more we do any activity more our brain become use to of doing it and less we do more it become reluctant in doing it.
How can we use this machine in our favor?
For this one thing you have to do is 'repeat' despite of you failed several time just repeat the more you repeat stong the connection among the brain will be stronger.For illustration if you want to take part in the marathon and at least want to complete it. You are so anti runner type you even can't rune a mile properly so what we do, for this try to run a moving video in you mind that you are running and completing marathon as well as try physically and despite of the problem, pain just do it. And also try to increase it gradually , suppose it is difficult to run some 500 mtr then try to go for 500 mtr for first day and continous it to a week and increase it to 600 mtr and go for a week and again increase it. Sooner you will see that you are running 10 mile, 20 mile and full marathon. So before training your train your mind and you are able to do what you want..........

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Silly Thinking: Want to be Successful

Hello friends,
So each and every one in this world want to be successful but what does success means. Is it a money which we want to earn, Is this the fame which we are looking or any thing else.
In my point of view success means doing something which you want to do from your bottom of your heart. Only discussion of that thing makes you charge so what required for being successful, may be the following tips can be helpful in being successful.
Write down what you want, if you don't know what you want than then it don't matter what you will get. So write down these things in the precise terms.
Second increase the intensity/level of which you consider success that you deserve say you want to earn a million dollar in a year than make it say 10 time larger than what you need. Means make you goal 10 times bigger than what you want or you feel what you deserve. Note one thing the goals should be in the present tense not in future. Now each day after you wake up read the goals loudly and with full of emotion also close your eyes for the moment and see you self achieving that goals like of seeing yourself getting a gold medal in convocation if you want to top the school and same thing before going on bed. Now start doing work on that goals, it seems amazing you will start achieving that goal nevertheless if you don't achieve that ten time high goal you still landed in the better position than you think, so try to do it.............

Thursday, April 23, 2009

sillythinking : carpe diem

Hello friends

Carpe diem because we have only one life,
Carpe diem because we are the food of the worms
and we never now how far we are from the death.
So what is carpe diem it is Latin phrase which means seize the day. We are just a inch away from our death, so why not we live as we want to live, why we should live in accord with others expectation.We don't know when this body will fertilizing the earth but one thing I know i want to live today as there is no other day for me .Want to fly, just fly don't care what other think ,just fly don't care what other will feel just fly.Seize the day depite of any thing. Want to be a good singer just be one today not wait for tommorow as it will never come.
Most of the man dies on the earth taking their deepest passion in their earth, do you want to be one of them if not , carpe diem don't afraid of result just follow your heart.
And in last i want to say We all born different its a humble request to all that please don't die as a copy be different

Sunday, April 19, 2009

silly thinking: Power of Idea

Hello friends

So what is common among Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Richard Bronson , Sam walton owner of wal mart and people like this one of the most common thing which comes in our mind that all of them are successful in life no they also have one more thing common that is an Idea.
All of them driven by an Idea which changes there life. So what the hell is this idea is?
Is it a spark of lighting from haven which comes in our mind randomly or some thing which is come in the mind more systematic way.
Most of us think that first part is right but in reality it is opposite, ideation or better to say idea generation is more over a systematic process in which more we focus on it the better the result we get. But it has been found that best result comes during the relaxation period after the intense focus on a problem. Most of the people says that the most of the idea comes in there mind when they are in toilet becasue in the most of the cases that is place of relaxation.
For getting more idea you have first focus on the problem, then go wanderin around the problem multi dimesonally considering the there are multiple way of solving any problem after this also.
The idea is alway in our mind it depends hwo much we able to link it with the problem

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Silly Thinking : Be Thyself

Hello friends

Today i am giving you a powerful mantra which make you a successful. A genius like Leonardo, artistic like of Picasso, Entrepreneurial like of bill gate or Steve jobs, Leader like Gandhi or Luther king. The Mantra is .....................................................................................

Being thyself is the most easiest as well as the most hardest way to achieve success. As to do this you have to win over yourself which is the hardest part and then over the world which is the easiest after the former one. As how can one be what he want to be, it will be a lie if i tell you that I know the answer of it, but I know there is one thing a drive within you, a kick of emotion which if you really follow you can be what you want to be. And don't crib about the external world as why we care who you are, what is you status is, even we don't care how much experienced you are as we all are equally aware about the future or rather say equally unaware about it. So be thyself without considering the external world existence, Be thyself without considering mockery of others, Be thyself without considering the expectation of others about your appearance, education etc and Be successful

As student you have to see one thing did you really want to be a Engineer, MBA, Doctor or in matter in any other field or you just come in that stream for money( Be an MBA got PLACED and earn in at least six digits) , fame or peer-society ( join this course because it is HOT in trends, wat a crap) and parents pressure (in most of the case you have to choose MBA because the neighbor son is doing the same form a prestigious college) if answer is yes you need a really silly thinking on it also. As Andrew Carnegie once said that no knowledge is much better that unwanted knowledge. Look for things which you really want to do either it is in mainstream or is off streams but just do that thing only which you really want to do.
In last degree is the knowledge based on other experience which does not ensure guaranteed success, so don't go blindly for a Degree

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Silly Thinking: Power of Belief 2

Belief is a crazy thing as par say because belief is one which makes use move ahead and belief is the force that make us reluctant in doing a simple thing.
Giving you a simple example when most of us start riding cycle's we have put our all efforts to do so. We are doing multiple thing at the same time, but the more we practice the more we have a belief or in the other words the process of riding a bicycle records in our sub conscious mind and then after we use to run cycle without giving so much efforts
It has been proven by the scientist that the beliefs make us, I give you an illustration just for a week try to say more and more times that you are not feeling good and soon you will recognize that you are actually not feeling good may be you got fever or may be you just struck by cold and this thing can be done in other way also. Belief is so powerful that people are survived in the most inhumane condition just because they have some sort of belief. If you are doing any thing have a belief in it as high as that you are seeing that thing to be happening if you want to be a good mathematician just think that you are becoming good day by day, same about if want to be a good entrepreneur or any other field but you have to have a belief that you are doing that.
SO have belief in you as what you think is what you are most of the famous people have very strong belief in themselves and that is only crux to the success.

"What you think is What you are"

Friday, April 10, 2009

silly thinking : Power of Belief 1

Hello friends

Belief is a very heavy words used in the language but what does it signify or what does it mean. Belief is what; Is it an a memory of experience encountered or it is a blind faith which is inculcated in our mind through our system and experience encountered created by that specific system ,what is it?
I don't know the exact meaning of the term belief but one thing I know that all that is happening in this whole is just because of belief. We exists because of our beliefs, we suffer because of our beliefs. It is the power inside us which let us go beyond the boundaries and it is also a fetter which stops us to run our race although the statement is quite paradoxical in it self but yes it is true.

So all the things which we are doing is because of belief, and its correctness is under questioning.
So if we say's that in mathematical perspective two plus two equals out four again its a belief a belief which is so strong that we believed that this is a universal truth and we are not in the position to deny it. But if we have a stronger belief than that perceived universal truth than we can easily defy that and that is the only way through which human race evolved.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Silly Thinking: Teacher, Institute and Systems

Hello Frenzs

Hey I am here to teach you, Please keep quite i m not able to Teach properly etc ..
So these are the some of the common phrases used by the teacher in the class to make them in control. But do you think that such situation should be arise in a institute which emphasis on learning. A learning mind never make unnecessary problems it just observe think and ask?

Most of the schools/Educators/teachers think that they have some sort of superiority over the students (that is purely based on the personal observation) in intellect level to be precise, but I don't think that this type of system will lead us to real learning coz this way of delivery lead to one way of learning process and I think it should be more a bilateral learning which make possible that both side will learn teacher no that not the appropriate word for one who is more experience in learning i think appropriate word would be facilitator/learner and a learner.

One of the common factor which i had seen in the most of the school and college is that students are not allowed to learn subject what they want and the culprit in this system is again Grades, marks and some weird system.

I have a interest in business studies as well as in physics but i am not allowed to learn both as just because of some system i Don't know why such type of rule are there in system as if i want to learn business studies with physics what's the problem in that.

What i Know is that knowledge is enemy of the thinking as more you gain knowledge the more you know and it will reduce your curiosity as well as power of thinking and asking question

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Silly Thinking: make mind more creative

hello friends

Today I am suggesting some of the technique to make mind more stronger it is sort of the work that we do on our muscles, more we do more our mind stretch this technique will we very useful for the Entrepreneurs, Students, managers or any individual

This technique is called as a random focus

For this technique you have to focus on the five randomly selected object which you want to choose may be they will be words, objects etc

After that try to make ideas on the basis of them only don't worry about the logical part of that idea just do it in quantity and you will found out suddenly there are lots of idea you will found out even you can try it out when you are stuck in the some thing just don't go by logic go by randomly and a important thing you must write down whatever comes in your mind
Try it out

Next post will be posted on 7th of April 2009

Monday, March 30, 2009

Silly thinking: Day dreamers

Hello Frenz

Day dreaming, Making castles in the air etc. are the most common phrases used. It is sort of the anchors used in English language which try to limit the free thinkers and try to mock on the people who think differently but so what real dreamer don't bother about it, what they bother most is the dream which is ready to be fulfilled . Dreaming is the highest source of thinking as on that level we don't use our left sided brain and try to make rationale behind each and every thing and things like to be that only. Most of the achievers in present are the day dreamer of the past either it is DhiruBhai who want's be world's largest what ever they want to do or Steve jobs who just trying to uproot the IBM by selling first computing machine of his life or two brother having a dream that we human can also fly despite of not having the wings or may be a person fails 10000 times to make a artificail source of light. But one thing which is common in all the cases are that they follow what they dreams, they have a so much beleif in themself that no one can overpower them and only one thing that is pushing them against the currents are the beleif that whatever they dreamt is a reality just at the next corner. So start day dreaming from today ownward while in the fight among the brain and heart choose the thing which your heart want to do. Be a silly thinker be a day dreamer...........because nobody have a copyright on silly thinking

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Silly thinking: Learning

Hello frenz's
Happy new year (Vikram Samvat 2066)
and greeting for Gudi parva

Learning, what does it mean does the learning means the around the twenty years which we spend running behind the marks and grades or it is some thing beyond. Well as far is Indian education system of which I am also a product, did not left any stone unturned to kill the creativity of the students as such and make him a blind chaser of marks and grades. The culture of mugging up and following the marks just creates clerks(no-offense) not the leaders. For the real leaders we need to think beyond these grading systems, a system which not only give necessary inputs but which force's the student community to think beyond what is available, as a symbol of good learning mind is nor the number of the chemical formula it holds neither it is a chunk of date of history which it remembers it is something which is inquisitive which is continuously challenging the present facts and figure, and for the that the only tool is why, when,how,who what etc.

What i see that what is education may be the some of the films clearly portrait the real meaning of the education either it is Justin long accepted accepted or it is Robin William starer dead poet society both the films show some what real meaning of the true education. As my believe that the true mean of the education is to do what your heart's say not what the external environment force to do as rightly quoted by the Albert Einstein
"It is the imagination which is more important than knowledge"
as imagination (dreams ) are forcing us to not to except what prevails it make us to ask question which leads the human race forward.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Silly Thinking

Hello frenz my name is Akhil Agarwal
I am a what i can say a student of entrepreneurship and a thinker
Today here i am writing about Silly thinking
So how we think. That's the question is always pop out in our mind that "Is that any way to know that how we think and how we learn things and he ya what the hell is this Creativity again i am thinking "Is this any sort of a creative word creativity " i don't know but i search some thing on net sort of googling then i find it out the when ever we learn any thing we make a specific pattern in the mind that pattern helps out to retrieve what we learn in a fraction of the second but this system has a one big means a very big flaw that is ,it thinks that it is the only pattern to do a certain things.
Why the hell is this.
Some where i hear story about some researcher doing research on numeric system on some tribe in Africa for that they select some tribes man and doing a series of observatory research. In this series basic assumption is that the observation will be done until and unless a person will learn something as per as numeric denomination is concern and if a person choose a right option he will be out of the observation same is communicated to the volunteers . So they took Rs 10 note and two Rs one coin and ask these tribes man that pick up one which they think have higher value for one of the chap pic up the note as it is observed that he have some prior knowledge of numeric in monetary terms while other chap pics up two coin as observer thinks that they don't know about the absolute denomination of the money. The series of experiments is done several times but still that lad pics only two coins and not the notes. Most of the observer think that he is dumb so they told him that two coins are smaller denomination than a note but in the next round of experiments he did the same this make the observer uncomfortable so he ask him why he is choosing that wrong option continuously. Lad answers that the moment i choose the right option you will kick me out of the experiments.
So i want to say there is a no perfect way of doing a thing
On the basis of this we can say that term expert is some sort of a half truth a the one is expert in the thinking in a one pattern and may be that is a hurdle in his or her growth
When we talking about the education " I really hate the way we learn in our institutes" they only care about grades, assignment, reports, thesis blah blah . Why the hell emphasis is always on these things not on real learning
And hey why we don't ask a question that's a one of the most serious thing to think why we accept things as they are why?
Education is not about going in the backward direction it is all about enlighten to the future so why we think always on the terms of past happening why
If we want to move ahead we have to think like a silly person think we have to ask the most foolish question ever ask something like i don't understand.When teacher say you have to sit in the library to learn some thing why the hell should i go for the library when i have a whole world's knowledge a click away why ? And also why these grades have so importance in our life so what i got 2.83 in my mid trimester does it make any sense just to evaluate learning on the basis of grades i don't think so or did i have to give explanation to each and everybody why did get so low marks oh ya cut this crap of the marks and evaluation . As per personal experience i seen some of my class mate study like a hell i am not saying that studying like a worm is bad but just for the sake of marks and by which you got the marks i don't think so. So for contrary to this thinking one of the highest grader in the top business schools serves a people in the world who don't even write there name properly why so . So ask question like a silly did let your brain stretch to it extreme level ask it

Silly Thinking