What is a mental corruption?
Human mind is the one of the most powerful organ may be on earth at this point of time (As we can't predict future) and it is a reflexive organ which is meant for the purpose of to learn new thing and grow by the learning so what is corruption according to one of the web definition on Google (capitalism marvel ) it is a decay or reduction in any matter or thing, so what could be metal corruption as it seems mental corruption is act that decline the jewel of humanity that is it brain
Some of the basic reason are intolerance, means being intolerant to the point specific like of religion, nation, cast, language blah blah blah. I don't understand why people are so intolerant toward specifically saying towards religion and/or nation which I think are one of the biggest culprits on this earth(as it not only creating problem for human kind but also the other species that co-exists with human kind) and on the face of humanity , I think if we sort our these two measles from we can actually solve lots of problem here. Giving some of my personal experiences,
Experience 1:
Occasion: Independence day in the country exists on the one of the biggest continents that is Asia or in any modern day movie theater in India ( I don't know about other countries as I haven't go outside my country) you are forced to pay respect to the so called nationalist things (may be song, sign, symbol related to the country ) , so called martyrs ( Most of us blindly follows martyrs and we don't ask the question of any parallel objective) but why we have to have follow or obey these people, is there really any difference between a difference between the human being from Asia or China , say if we put a Japaneses in country called United states for thirty year and give them total exposure from birth to American culture(language education etc), then who is he American or Chinese to difficult to say
Experience 2:
Occasion: On a sports day of one of the college
I was sitting on the wooden block on which the image of god is carved, most of the people are objecting and/or say feel offended that why I am sitting on it. It is a disrespect to them. So I have conversation with the girl say Jane she is from one of those who is objecting says that "you are doing some thing that make me feel offended" I said"But why you are feeling offended" As you are disrespecting my god. This seem odd to me as how can it be so disrespectful and if that wooden block is so respectful why it is there in open left unprotected against various corrupting element and the place where is should be there, somehow my argument is going with the Jane one of the guy name Ron(Who have some sort of attraction towards Jane) came to us say's that I request to get up from the block as it seem he may be powerful if I have a fist fight with him. So I decided to get up from the place.
In both the cases as I experience that there is some thing beyond religion and nation i.e. our hidden desires like in second experience Ron want to impress Jane that' why he is showing his physical superiority on me.
Why people are so intolerant that cause the mental corruption they don't ask question on the notion that we have from past. This may lead to instances like of rigid mentality and hence you can't grow and I think it is a crime towards the human kind......cont....
Self Education
15 years ago