Some time I think which I do a lot to understand, what is life?
When I try to see it as an outsider, a individual who is not me I certainly become over whelmed by the way it moves
Life seems (mind it I am not seeing it as my life,I am seeing it as a third party) more dramatic than any Shakespeare theatricals, filled with more action than any lee movie, to much thrill and mysteries that Sherlock seems to me insipid.
Got so much confused about life who it moves,
one thought school say that life is only one and what you have to do, do it in the only life you have while other says that we are in continue journey we have to move anyways, until you will get perfection you have go through the circle of life and death. And the moment you achieve perfection you get rid of all those circles of life and death, eventually what else matters in life if you do whatever you want to do in life
Last night I saw a movie called ' The groundhog Day' interesting movie, in this movie there is a weather man 'Phil' who some how stuck in a day, initially he get little bit frustrated but later on he makes best of out it. He did the things he always wanted to do either good or bad, he took all the experience of the life in that day. Some how in first this thought seems not so good to go through things again and again until we achieved perfection but it also seems me that why not if you have to do things again and again and makes lots of mistake and achieved perfection with no desired left,
One of the famous personality once say
" A perfect life is free from desire, look your life work on it until you don't have a single desire"
Self Education
15 years ago