Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Silly Thinking: make mind more creative

hello friends

Today I am suggesting some of the technique to make mind more stronger it is sort of the work that we do on our muscles, more we do more our mind stretch this technique will we very useful for the Entrepreneurs, Students, managers or any individual

This technique is called as a random focus

For this technique you have to focus on the five randomly selected object which you want to choose may be they will be words, objects etc

After that try to make ideas on the basis of them only don't worry about the logical part of that idea just do it in quantity and you will found out suddenly there are lots of idea you will found out even you can try it out when you are stuck in the some thing just don't go by logic go by randomly and a important thing you must write down whatever comes in your mind
Try it out

Next post will be posted on 7th of April 2009

Monday, March 30, 2009

Silly thinking: Day dreamers

Hello Frenz

Day dreaming, Making castles in the air etc. are the most common phrases used. It is sort of the anchors used in English language which try to limit the free thinkers and try to mock on the people who think differently but so what real dreamer don't bother about it, what they bother most is the dream which is ready to be fulfilled . Dreaming is the highest source of thinking as on that level we don't use our left sided brain and try to make rationale behind each and every thing and things like to be that only. Most of the achievers in present are the day dreamer of the past either it is DhiruBhai who want's be world's largest what ever they want to do or Steve jobs who just trying to uproot the IBM by selling first computing machine of his life or two brother having a dream that we human can also fly despite of not having the wings or may be a person fails 10000 times to make a artificail source of light. But one thing which is common in all the cases are that they follow what they dreams, they have a so much beleif in themself that no one can overpower them and only one thing that is pushing them against the currents are the beleif that whatever they dreamt is a reality just at the next corner. So start day dreaming from today ownward while in the fight among the brain and heart choose the thing which your heart want to do. Be a silly thinker be a day dreamer...........because nobody have a copyright on silly thinking

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Silly thinking: Learning

Hello frenz's
Happy new year (Vikram Samvat 2066)
and greeting for Gudi parva

Learning, what does it mean does the learning means the around the twenty years which we spend running behind the marks and grades or it is some thing beyond. Well as far is Indian education system of which I am also a product, did not left any stone unturned to kill the creativity of the students as such and make him a blind chaser of marks and grades. The culture of mugging up and following the marks just creates clerks(no-offense) not the leaders. For the real leaders we need to think beyond these grading systems, a system which not only give necessary inputs but which force's the student community to think beyond what is available, as a symbol of good learning mind is nor the number of the chemical formula it holds neither it is a chunk of date of history which it remembers it is something which is inquisitive which is continuously challenging the present facts and figure, and for the that the only tool is why, when,how,who what etc.

What i see that what is education may be the some of the films clearly portrait the real meaning of the education either it is Justin long accepted accepted or it is Robin William starer dead poet society both the films show some what real meaning of the true education. As my believe that the true mean of the education is to do what your heart's say not what the external environment force to do as rightly quoted by the Albert Einstein
"It is the imagination which is more important than knowledge"
as imagination (dreams ) are forcing us to not to except what prevails it make us to ask question which leads the human race forward.