Hello friends
So what is common among Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Richard Bronson , Sam walton owner of wal mart and people like this one of the most common thing which comes in our mind that all of them are successful in life no they also have one more thing common that is an Idea.
All of them driven by an Idea which changes there life. So what the hell is this idea is?
Is it a spark of lighting from haven which comes in our mind randomly or some thing which is come in the mind more systematic way.
Most of us think that first part is right but in reality it is opposite, ideation or better to say idea generation is more over a systematic process in which more we focus on it the better the result we get. But it has been found that best result comes during the relaxation period after the intense focus on a problem. Most of the people says that the most of the idea comes in there mind when they are in toilet becasue in the most of the cases that is place of relaxation.
For getting more idea you have first focus on the problem, then go wanderin around the problem multi dimesonally considering the there are multiple way of solving any problem after this also.
The idea is alway in our mind it depends hwo much we able to link it with the problem
Self Education
15 years ago
nice post :)