Hello frenz my name is Akhil Agarwal
I am a what i can say a student of entrepreneurship and a thinker
Today here i am writing about Silly thinking
So how we think. That's the question is always pop out in our mind that "Is that any way to know that how we think and how we learn things and he ya what the hell is this Creativity again i am thinking "Is this any sort of a creative word creativity " i don't know but i search some thing on net sort of googling then i find it out the when ever we learn any thing we make a specific pattern in the mind that pattern helps out to retrieve what we learn in a fraction of the second but this system has a one big means a very big flaw that is ,it thinks that it is the only pattern to do a certain things.
Why the hell is this.
Some where i hear story about some researcher doing research on numeric system on some tribe in Africa for that they select some tribes man and doing a series of observatory research. In this series basic assumption is that the observation will be done until and unless a person will learn something as per as numeric denomination is concern and if a person choose a right option he will be out of the observation same is communicated to the volunteers . So they took Rs 10 note and two Rs one coin and ask these tribes man that pick up one which they think have higher value for one of the chap pic up the note as it is observed that he have some prior knowledge of numeric in monetary terms while other chap pics up two coin as observer thinks that they don't know about the absolute denomination of the money. The series of experiments is done several times but still that lad pics only two coins and not the notes. Most of the observer think that he is dumb so they told him that two coins are smaller denomination than a note but in the next round of experiments he did the same this make the observer uncomfortable so he ask him why he is choosing that wrong option continuously. Lad answers that the moment i choose the right option you will kick me out of the experiments.
So i want to say there is a no perfect way of doing a thing
On the basis of this we can say that term expert is some sort of a half truth a the one is expert in the thinking in a one pattern and may be that is a hurdle in his or her growth
When we talking about the education " I really hate the way we learn in our institutes" they only care about grades, assignment, reports, thesis blah blah . Why the hell emphasis is always on these things not on real learning
And hey why we don't ask a question that's a one of the most serious thing to think why we accept things as they are why?
Education is not about going in the backward direction it is all about enlighten to the future so why we think always on the terms of past happening why
If we want to move ahead we have to think like a silly person think we have to ask the most foolish question ever ask something like i don't understand.When teacher say you have to sit in the library to learn some thing why the hell should i go for the library when i have a whole world's knowledge a click away why ? And also why these grades have so importance in our life so what i got 2.83 in my mid trimester does it make any sense just to evaluate learning on the basis of grades i don't think so or did i have to give explanation to each and everybody why did get so low marks oh ya cut this crap of the marks and evaluation . As per personal experience i seen some of my class mate study like a hell i am not saying that studying like a worm is bad but just for the sake of marks and by which you got the marks i don't think so. So for contrary to this thinking one of the highest grader in the top business schools serves a people in the world who don't even write there name properly why so . So ask question like a silly did let your brain stretch to it extreme level ask it
Self Education
15 years ago
it's so simple to be wise, just think of something silly to write & then don't write it!!
ReplyDelete_crazy bhushan